Budget Calculator

Loan consolidation calculator

Use this calculator to estimate your monthly payments, principal, and interest if you consolidate.


  • Select the number of loans you're considering consolidating.
  • Enter your existing balances and current interest rates of the loans you wish to consolidate in this worksheet.
  • Enter the whole dollar amounts without commas. For example, do not use commas in the values of $1000 or more.

How many loans do you have?

Loan #
Interest Rate

Loan 1

Interest Rate

Loan 2

Interest Rate

Loan 3

Interest Rate
Repayment Incentives
Your servicer may offer interest rate incentives for bank draft and/or on-time payments. For example, if the servicer offers a .25 percent interest rate reduction for bank draft and another 1 percent reduction for 36 on-time payments, then you would enter 1.25 percent in the first box and 36 months in the second box.
Enter your total incentives as a percentage:
Delay for effect of incentives (months):